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Kia ora, my name is Sophie from Nurture@Home. I provide a loving home-based childcare service in Brightwater.

I believe that children should always have a hand in their own learning. Respectful, reciprocal relationships are a must. The teaching and learning needs to go both ways and by being calm and loving and meeting children where they are at, I can support children to reach their full potential.

I have worked in early childhood as a trained teacher since 2015 and prior to that as a nanny. I hold a degree in early childhood and have worked in services in both New Zealand and overseas during my travels. I live with my husband and enjoy playing music, reading and going hiking in nature. I have a great outdoor space for messy play and love to expose children to nature play. I provide baking activities, lots of music & art for the children in my care and like to attend activities in the local community.

Find out more information about myself via my facebook business page.

To discuss your quality education and home childcare needs with Sophie – please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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